Become a presenter at Medvision 2024

By submitting your abstract our team will review your abstract and send you the approval to become one of the presenters in front of our attendees and the best on the field doctors.


Take the opportunity to show your work in front of the best in the field, you can sign up now and upload an abstract of your research. Abstracts will be presented on E-posters. 

Limited spots available.

The fee for accepted abstracts is 100JD for non-students including one presenter.


All posters accepted for MEDVISION conference will be displayed in the digital format only on high-resolution monitors. All poster presentations will be presented on multi-media E-Posters.

Authors are requested to be at their assigned monitors for the specified period of time. During this time authors should be available for discussion of the E-Poster. A formal presentation would be necessary (Schedule will be informed).

You will be informed of your program number as well as your computer assignment before the conference. When you arrive at the meeting, check the program to confirm the time and monitor for your presentation.


Poster size and orientation

1. All posters will be set in landscape style orientation (and all information (i.e. text, data, photos, and figures) must be designed to appear within one window/slide.

2. If you design your E-Poster in PowerPoint (PPT), ALL information must be appeared within ONE (1) slide only. Use Page Setup and choose Slide Size: “Custom (Height 50 cm, Width 90 cm)” with a Landscape (horizontal) orientation.

3. Save your PPT into PDF format.

Essential Information to Include on E-Poster

1. Poster should be written ONLY in the English language.

2. Title of the E-Poster (should be brief and matches the submitted abstract).

3. Names and affiliations of all authors (each author to be marked with superscript numbers (such as 1, 2) with their corresponding institute affiliation and their addresses.

4. Arial font should be used throughout the poster with such clarity that it could be read from 1.5 meters distance. The title and subheadings should be written in bold. Italics should be avoided as it would be harder to read from a distance.

5. Please be considerate when using colors for the presentation, keep only 2-3 colors as this would be a formal scientific poster presentation. Please select background colors that contrast well with the font to allow easier reading of your text. Avoid background with bright or dark color and full of texture as this will distract readers.

6. Graphs and tables should be well organized and the font used should be of a size that is easy to read.

7. Content of poster presentation:

  • Research (Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgment).
  • Case Report (Introduction, Objectives, Case Operation Procedure, Discussion, Conclusion References and Acknowledgment).
  • Literature Review (Introduction, Literature studies, Discussion, Conclusion and References).


1. The Committee only accepts e-posters in a PDF format.
2. The deadline to submit your E-Poster Submission is 1/3/2024.
3. Failure to submit your e-poster by the deadline would result in your presentation being cancelled.

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+962 798587505

Ticket price for non students
100 JD

Event Details

Medvision 2024 timing and location:

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